IHS – IHS Inc. – Options Trade Prior to Earnings

From 2012 to 2014, Revenue and Net Income was both up.  That means a company is generating more revenue, and share prices should increase as a result.  A good upward trend is a good sign.

I’m debating between a 15% margin of safety and a 10% margin of safety.

Options: IHS – Puts

Expiration: January 15, 2016

Current Price: $109.07

Selling puts @ $100

Safety: 10%

Net: 0.75/100

Selling puts @ $95    (32 volume of contract on the bid)

Safety: (109.07-95)/95= 14.81%

Net: 0.30/95

I can do it at $95, and I can double down.

I’ll do the other end too.


Analysis Surprise: It surprised analysts 5 times in a row.

I don’t mind doing it at the $100 because I don’t mind owning this stock.  Hasn’t touched $100 since May 3, 2015.  The stock has been on a down trend (which means the weak hands and nonbelievers are selling off, right prior to the earnings announcement).  It has a greater chance to go up after a positive earning announcements than a continued sell off.

I’m currently analyzing live Level 2 Quotes to see how the options are doing.  I’m watching the ask at $100 get destroyed, and it’s almost at $100 already.  The ask at $95 is thin and can jump very fast to $0.70’s.  There is 3 ask at $0.45 right now.  The bids don’t seem interested in moving up through.

In this new economy, we might be in a situation where when the stock goes down it may not guarantee to rise up because the whole economy is bad and not giving a high P/E to stocks anymore.

Potential Trade Profits: $200 to $666.

I will only do the puts side and don’t want to do any covered calls in case the stock does a big surprise.

I can do at $100 and then at $95 too.  $246 and $702 for $1,000.  But then you do 8% cushion for the first one.  I want to wait for the ask to get surpassed but I guess it won’t happen and I don’t want to miss the guaranteed bids.

Not sure what to do with that $444 safe profits.  You can do a lot I guess.

Results – 1/12/2016 

I waited for a long time, and finally I gained $240.

I can’t even close it out at $95, so I will bid $0.05 at $100.  This requires some creativity.  If stock drops below $95, I can use the $100 put I bought and exercise it I guess, to offset that loss that will happen.  I think it should work that way.



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